Tragically, the Bible is neglected by many Christians. Charismatics often seek experiences rather than sound biblical teaching, and evangelicals seek the superficial escape through therapy of trials that are intended to refine and strengthen them (1 Peter:1:7That the trial of your faith, being much more precious than of gold that perisheth, though it be tried with fire, might be found unto praise and honour and glory at the appearing of Jesus Christ:
See All...)—psychological counseling rather than the humility and repentance that comes from biblical counseling. As the Bobgans point out in a recent newsletter:
“Prior to the advent of psychoheresy in the church, preachers taught people about the powerful, sufficient grace of God during times of trial and affliction. But now many seem to assume that people are ‘hurting’ and thus needing some kind of psychological wisdom and help. Rather than preaching the power of the Gospel both to save and sanctify, they offer an insipid solution to the latest trend of psychological ills that surely must be debilitating the flock.”