Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

John Goodwin was the pastor of a Vineyard church and a leader in the movement for a number of years. Prior to coming to Christ, he had been in the Hollywood music and drug and Eastern mysticism scene. It was his realization of the connection between the occultism he had experienced before he was saved and what he became involved in within the Vineyard movement that caused him to leave the Vineyard churches. Goodwin says with deep concern and warning:

“There’s more to what’s going on with the Vineyards, with Toronto, with Pensacola, Florida than meets the eye. It’s not just an issue of some heresy, some false doctrine and stranger experiences. When you see people barking like a dog, roaring like a lion, slithering on the floor like a snake…. Have you ever seen a person transformed into an ape before your very eyes? That will shake you up! We were in London and John Wimber was up teaching…. I’m up in the balcony…with Blaine Cook…and Carl Tuttle…now the pastor of the Vineyard in Anaheim…. All of a sudden out of the corner of my eye I saw this form leap out of a chair backwards, about five feet over the top of the back of the chair into an aisle…and he began to transform physically into an ape…. His face changed…. You’ve seen these weird horror movies where suddenly a person changes into a werewolf? It was like that…! His arms lengthened, his shoulders changed…they became like an ape’s shoulders…the total demonic manifestation of an ape! People were extending their hands toward him saying, ‘Lord, we just bless the work of your Holy Spirit….’ I wanted to run out of the room, and I wasn’t real close…. I only relate this to impress upon you [that] what we see going on with this group…[are] totally demonic manifestations. And I can’t tell you how many times I was in seminars and conferences where this sort of thing would take place. People would be screeching and howling. Animal noises? Forget it. You never heard animals make noises like this…! These are supernatural noises! They’re teaching that these are manifestations of the Holy Spirit upon the person’s life…. There’s no Scriptural warrant for any of this….”