Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

It is this author’s carefully considered opinion that the celebration and events accompanying the eve of the year 2000 will generate a worldwide spiritual delusion beyond anyone’s capacity even to imagine at this time. So great will be the confusion, and so all-inclusive the false religious unity created, that true Christianity may well be forced underground. Robert Muller, former U.N. Assistant Secretary-General and chancellor of the University for Peace, has said:

“We need a world or cosmic spirituality…. I hope that religious leaders will get together and define before the end of this century the cosmic laws which are common to all faiths…. We must hope also that the Pope will come before the year 2000 to the United Nations, speak for all the religions and spiritualities on this planet and give the world religious view of how the third millennium should be a spiritual millennium which will see the integration and harmony of humanity with creation, with nature, with the planet, with the cosmos and with eternity.”