Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

So we have an evangelical-Catholic partnership to “evangelize the world by the year 2000” while Rome engages in “more cooperative relations with other world religions.” Boston college professor Peter Kreeft (an evangelical convert to Catholicism) admits that Catholics don’t know the gospel. While promoting Catholicism as the only true faith, Kreeft inadvertently reveals that most Catholics are not Christians, though Kreeft equates being an active Roman Catholic with being “in Christ.” Here are his own words:

“Over the past twenty-five years I have asked hundreds of Catholic college students the question: If you should die tonight and God asks you why he should let you into heaven, what would you answer? The vast majority of them simply do not know the right answer to this, the most important of all questions, the very essence of Christianity…. After twelve years of catechism classes…their answer to that question is usually something like ‘be sincere’ or ‘try your best’ or ‘don’t hurt people’ or ‘work for peace’…. They usually do not even mention Jesus!”