Sponsored by the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association at a cost of 21 million dollars, more than 10,000 Christian leaders met at Amsterdam in 1986 to plan a strategy for evangelizing the world. At that conference Leighton Ford declared, “Preach the gospel but don’t be so negative as to refuse to endorse or work with those who belong to a group that proclaims a different gospel.” He praised the late Mother Teresa after visiting her in Calcutta, though she constantly prayed the Rosary for her own salvation and considered Buddhism, Hinduism, Islam, and other religions to be acceptable ways to God. Billy Graham waxed even more eloquent in his praise of Mother Teresa immediately after her death:
“As Princess Diana was a queen of the hearts of millions of people, so Mother Teresa was a queen of the spiritual hearts…. We admire both of them in different ways…. I have known her [Teresa] for a number of years, and it was my privilege to be with her on several occasions. The first time was at the Home for Dying Destitutes in Calcutta. I had a wonderful hour of fellowship in the Lord with her…. When she walked into the room to greet me, I felt that I was indeed meeting a saint…. She was one of the most humble and sweetest of God’s servants that I have ever known…[and] of dedication to the person of Christ….”