An evangelical pastor spent ten days at an ecumenical gathering of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and National Council of Churches (NCC), held under the auspices of New York City’s Auburn Theological Seminary. He was shocked at the overt rejection of Christianity and its replacement by paganism. The occult was honored as though it were of God. Here is part of the report he filed:
“I knew we were in trouble when our first worship ‘celebration’ found us outdoors at a garden pond offering prayers and water libations to the Seven Spirits of the seven directions of the Universe (“O Spirit of the North, blow upon us ... O Spirit of the East ... West ... South ... ). What to any objective observer was sheer paganism, we were told was simply an exercise in discovering the ecumenical variety of spiritual expression and experience that we must learn to share if we are to be truly one. ...
[There] was the outright denial of the Doctrine of the Trinity ... [as] an archaic symbol for God so loaded with classical Western sexism and images of oppression that it must be abandoned in favor of something more palatable to enlightened sensitivities ... [like] Sophia. ... While some of us may prefer to relate to Jesus as our personal ‘Christ-figure,’ we dare not make him exclusive. We must be inclusive of all potential ‘Christ-figures,’ so that we can learn to see through them all and behind them all to that one Savior Spirit of Liberation working through all the various ‘Christ-figure’ masks of the world’s religions. ...
Clearly, the ideologues of Liberationism have taken over the direction of the WCC and NCC and are leading them into nothing short of syncretistic paganism. And the awful thing is that, judging from the participants at this conference, many of the ecumenical leaders of mainline Protestantism are happily following this primrose path to apostasy.”