There is a new optimism in the air, the determined hope that “America can be saved” by a compromised ecumenical gospel. Even J. I. Packer seems to have succumbed to this delusion. Writing in CT, he transmutes Christ’s commands to proclaim the gospel into a call “to re-Christianize the North American milieu…[and] rebuild the ruins…[of] North American culture…”! Where does the Bible suggest that? Llewellyn Rockwell writes:
“Christianity is now thoroughly politicized. The [Catholic] bishops and [Ralph] Reed have no trouble speaking about the importance of pro-family legislation, or the glories of religious pluralism, but they are shy about such basics as the Christian teaching on salvation. The longer the process of politicization continues, the thinner the faith gets. Political ambition causes people to water down their beliefs for the sake of gaining favor…. The first stage of sell-out comes with the exaltation of political pluralism above doctrinal truth, the second stage with the denial of doctrinal truth altogether for achieving political goals.”