One need only turn to the Eternal Word TV Network (EWTN) to learn of the many “saints” (and their tombs and images) who are held up for veneration and to whom Catholics are encouraged to look for help and even salvation. This Catholic network was founded and is directed by an enterprising nun who calls herself Mother Angelica.
Numerous priests appear on the programs, along with various lay Catholic leaders and enthusiasts. EWTN offers a continual procession of the most obvious superstition and occultism.
Bob and Penny Lord, bubbling with enthusiasm for what the “saints” can do, take viewers on exciting trips to trace the holy lives and learn of the miracles performed by “Visionaries, Mystics & Stigmatists.” The tomb of Sister Margaret Mary, seventeenth century mystic, was visited early in 1997. Viewers were told that she lost her voice while singing in a choir and only regained it when “the baby Jesus appeared in her arms.” At Jesus’ special request, Margaret Mary was able to make reparation for the sins which wounded Him.
Obviously, this apparition was an occult invasion from the demonic. Jesus Christ is not a baby. And only Satan would suggest human suffering as “reparation” for another person’s sin. The Bible repeatedly assures us that Christ alone could and did suffer the full penalty for sin: God “laid on him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah:53:6All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the LORD hath laid on him the iniquity of us all.
See All...). To suggest otherwise is the most serious heresy.