Nuggets from Occult Invasion |

Dave Hunt

Carl Jung lived in continual confusion, a state which had haunted him since childhood. He was torn between whether the conscious state or the unconscious was the real one. That ambivalence is reflected in the following account of a dream, which also reveals his view of UFOs and the fact that he had deeper problems than many of his patients:

“I caught sight from my house of two lens-shaped metallically gleaming disks, which hurtled in a narrow arc over the house…two UFOs. Then another body came flying…through the air: a lens with a metallic extension which led to a box—a magic lantern [film strip projector]. At a distance of sixty or seventy yards it stood still in the air, pointing straight at me. I awoke with a feeling of astonishment…the thought passed through my head: ‘We always think that UFOs are projections of ours. Now it turns out that we are their projections. I am projected by the magic lantern as C. G. Jung. But who manipulates the apparatus?’”