Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Alcoholics Anonymous and the Occult |

Dave Hunt

Turning from the true God to false gods of any kind opens the door to occult manifestations, deception, and bondage. Such is the legacy of AA. Bill Wilson and his close friend, Bob Smith, were both heavily involved in the occult even before they conceived of AA. Nor did that involvement cease after AA’s founding. The official AA biography of Wilson reveals, without embarrassment, that for years after AA’s founding regular séances were still being held in the Wilsons’ home and other psychic activities were being pursued, including consulting the Ouija board. The biography declares:

“[T]here are references to séances and other psychic events in the letters Bill wrote to Lois [his wife] during that first Akron summer with the Smiths [Bob and Anne], in 1935…. Bill would lie down on the couch. He would ‘get’ these things [from the spirit world]…every week or so. Each time, certain people [demons impersonating the dead] would ‘come in…long sentences, word by word would come through….’ [In 1938] as he started to write [the AA manual], he asked for guidance…. The words began tumbling out with astonishing speed. He completed the first draft in about half an hour…. Numbering the new steps…they added up to twelve—a symbolic number; he thought of the Twelve apostles, and soon became convinced that the Society should have twelve steps.”

So it was through mediumship that Wilson received the manual for Alcoholics Anonymous from the demonic world. It is not surprising, then, that the effect of AA upon many of its members is to lead them into direct occult involvement. Wilson even experimented with LSD in the hope of reaching a higher mystical state and proving survival of the spirit after death. In 1958, Wilson wrote to Sam Shoemaker:

“Throughout AA, we find a large amount of psychic phenomena, nearly all of it spontaneous. Alcoholic after alcoholic tells me of such experiences…[which] run nearly the full gamut of everything we see in the books. In addition to my original mystical experience, I’ve had a lot of such phenomenalism myself.”

The “original mystical experience” to which Wilson referred was his alleged “conversion.” It came about in a classic occult encounter with a “white light,” rather than by faith in Jesus Christ through the gospel. Wilson had fallen into a deep depression and in desperation cried out, “If there is a God, let Him show Himself! I am ready to do anything, anything!” He had demanded something that God was under no obligation to provide. It was an opportunity for Satan to respond with a “spiritual experience” that set the stage for the seduction of millions. Wilson testified that in response to his cry:

“Suddenly the room lit up with a great white light. I was caught up into an ecstasy…. It seemed to me, in the mind’s eye, that I was on a mountain and that a wind not of air but of spirit was blowing. And then it burst upon me that I was a free man…. All about me and through me there was a wonderful feeling of Presence, and I thought to myself, ‘so this is the God of the preachers!’ A great peace stole over me….”

This was not the “God of the preachers” but the one who transforms himself “into an angel of light” (2 Corinthians:11:14)—a light that is reported over and over by those involved in the occult. How can we be sure of this? Because God does not lead anyone to trust in false gods, as did Bill Wilson as a result of this experience. Nor does God dictate 12 Steps which comprise a false gospel to keep those who follow them from trusting Christ for their soul’s salvation.

The experience was so profound that Wilson never touched alcohol again. Satan would be more than willing to deliver a man from alcoholism in this life if thereby he could ensnare him for eternity. And what greater triumph than to inspire this man to lead millions into the same delusion! Wilson now had an appetite for more spiritual experiences and immediately became actively involved with the best-known group in his day that offered them: the Oxford Group.