Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Christians Come Aboard |

Dave Hunt

Christians are joining an anti-Christian ecumenical movement, and the Christian media is porting it favorably. One of the early organizations formed was the North American Conference on Religion and Ecology (NACRE). Its first international conference was held May 16-19, 1990, at the Washington (D.C.) National Cathedral. In his role as president of the World Wide Fund for Nature, His Royal Highness Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh, was a prime organizer of what he hoped would be an “Assisi Event for North America”—an ecological conference patterned after Pope John Paul II’s gathering in Assisi, Italy, in 1986, of world religious leaders to pray for peace. The climax of the four-day program came with an “Inter-faith Ceremony and Religious Perspectives on Nature: Buddhist, Jewish, Muslim, Sihkh, Lummi Indians, and Christian beliefs regarding conservation and the environment, followed by an inter-faith blessing of the Cathedral and the oak grove.”

In March 1991 the Southern Baptists’ Christian Life Commission, directed by Richard Land, “held its first environmental seminar. Later that fall, the United Church of Christ convened an environmental summit for minorities….” The largest black denomination, the National Baptist Convention USA, involved itself in environmentalism at about the same time. Also in 1991, Evangelicals for Social Action (Ron Sider, executive director) helped to organize a gathering of scientists and religious leaders to discuss rescuing the environment. Several mainline Protestant denominations, along with leaders such as Robert Schuller, World Vision’s president Robert Seiple, and Asbury Theological Seminary president David McKenna, were enthusiastic about lending support to what is largely a pagan movement.

In an example of Christian media support for this unabashedly heathen movement and the top-level Christian involvement therein, Christianity Today reported happily upon this conference. No mention was made of the fact that it arose out of Moscow’s occult/New Age “Global Forum” at which Carl Sagan suggested that earth should be “regarded as sacred” to encourage treating it with “care and respect”—not because God made it, but because it (Gaia) made us.

In May 1992, leading evangelicals again joined a coalition of science and religion sponsored y the “Joint Appeal by Religion and Science for the Environment.” Sagan was its co-chairman, along with James Parks Morton, dean of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine in New York City. “More than 150 scientists, theologians, and…politicians…[met] in Washington…with congressional leaders…. Among the participating religious groups were the National Council of Churches, the National Conference of Catholic Bishops, the Consultation of the Environment and Jewish life, and World Vision….”

“Joint Appeal” is based at New York’s huge Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, a bastion of New Age/ecumenical/antichrist deception, where a female “Christa” was displayed on a cross. Its blasphemous dean, James Parks Morton, declares, “We are increasingly being called to realize that the body of Christ is the earth—the biosphere—the skin that includes all of us.” Out of the May 1992 meeting came an environmental consortium, “The National Religious Partnership for the Environment,” which included the U.S. Catholic Conference, the National Council of Churches, the Evangelical Environmental Network, and the Consultation of Jewish Life and the Environment.

Yet another similar organization, the National Religious Partnership for the Environment (NRPE), was founded in 1993 by Vice President Gore, who also takes an active part in “Joint Appeal.” NRPE, too, is based at St. John the Divine and has distributed tens of thousands of packets containing ecologically oriented prayers, sermon ideas, and Sunday-school lessons to Catholic, Protestant, Jewish, and evangelical congregations across the country. Beside World Vision, other evangelical organizations involved include Sojourners and InterVarsity Christian Fellowship. NRPE’s director is likewise convinced that the ecocrisis will transform “what it will mean to be religious [and “Christian”] in the 21st century.”