Robert Schueller has said, “It was Dr. [Norman Vincent] Peale who got me to go to Los Angeles…and it was [Billy] Graham who first got me to go on TV.” Recently Schuller interviewed Billy Graham on his “Hour of Power,” which has the largest television audience of any Christian program, reportedly going into 20 million homes. The following excerpts are from that nationally televised program:
Schuller: Tell me, do you remember how this television program called the “Hour of Power” got started?
Graham: Oh, I remember a few things ... I was holding a meeting [in 1969] in Anaheim and you came night after night and would sit in the little trailer that I had there as an office, and we would talk and pray....
Schuller: And you said, “Bob, you should think about televising your church service. ... And I think it was you or Fred [Deinert] who said [to call it] the Hour of Power. That Hour of Power title came from you. ...
Graham: Oh my. Well, I’m honored. ...
Schuller: Billy, if you looked into the future, what challenges would you throw out to Christians or to pastors—thousands of pastors, and hundreds of rabbis, and they tell me over a million Muslims a week, watch this program. What challenge would you have to these listeners? This is your platform, you started the Hour of Power, you got me into this, now have the last word. Give them a message right from your heart!
Graham: Well, the message is that God loves you. Whoever you are, wherever you are, whatever your religious background, God loves you, He wants to come into your heart and change the direction of your life and give you a peace and a joy that you’ve never had before. And He will do that today, if you will make that commitment to Him. [Again, no Christ, no cross, no gospel!]
Schuller: Billy, my mentor was Norman Vincent Peale. And a great teacher to me was ... Archbishop Fulton Sheen, a very dear friend. ... You knew Fulton Sheen and you knew Norman Peale. Your comments on both of these men?
Graham: I knew both of them, as you did, and loved them both. And I have in my book a story of how Fulton Sheen came to my apartment on a train once and we had two or three hours together. ... The Roman Catholic Church ... open their arms and welcome us and we have the support of the Catholic Church almost everywhere we go. ...