On New Year’s Eve 1999, the entire world will celebrate a “new millennium” with high hopes for a rebirth of humanity into that very New Age of peace and prosperity prophesied by numerous occultists from Edgar Cayce to Alice Bailey. The fact, however, that the date being celebrated is a measure of time from the birth of Christ cannot be escaped even by non-Christians. Therefore, ecumenically minded Christians are planning to use the coming celebration for “evangelism.” The late M. H. Reynolds pointed out somberly:
“There are several important facts God’s people need to know about the dangers of A.D. 2000 evangelism. First, this new ecumenical evangelism requires the acceptance of Roman Catholics and liberal Protestants as partners in evangelism, not those in need of being evangelized…. Evangelicals have followed the path of compromise for so long that they have lost almost all spiritual discernment. Evangelical leaders have become ‘blind leaders of the blind’ and those who follow their leadership are in danger of falling into the ecumenical ditch…. So successful has been the devil’s plan to use ‘Evangelism’ to forge an unscriptural Ecumenism that there has never been a time in history when a larger number of diverse groups are singing the same song, ‘We must get together to evangelize the world.’”