Deepak Chopra’s November 1996 newsletter contains an interview with Christiane Northrup, M.D. This “pioneering holistic physician” promotes Eastern mysticism and declares that “the way the universe works is that we attract to us whatever we are vibrating.” John Marks Templeton teaches much the same thing. Tell that to victims of rape, robbery, and murder! They were “vibrating” the violence they suffered and thus attracted it to themselves?
Northrup goes on to say, “Deepak talks about the field of absolute bliss and beingness…that’s our birthright. That’s who we are.” Really? Then why must we go into an altered state of consciousness to experience “who we are”? The magnitude of the delusion is exceeded only by the monumental pride that accepts it. Yet the willingness to embrace such folly has made Chopra a household name and a multimillionaire. His books have quickly sold more than 7 million copies and the fees for his seminars are 300 dollars or more per couple.
Chopra is a Hindu who believes that individual self (atman) is identical with universal Self (Brahman). Strange that we don’t act like it and have to delude ourselves into “realizing” what we allegedly already are! He tries to explain our less-than-Brahman experience by suggesting that “toxic accumulations…impair the free flow of energy throughout the body, mind, and spirit.” This delusion permeates holistic medicine. His recommendations are a mixture of Hinduism involving Agni (the Hindu god of fire) and pranayama (yoga breathing techniques), along with common-sense suggestions about diet and promotion of Hinduism’s Ayurvedic teachings. “Balance in Ayurvedic medicine is the foundation of health,” says Chopra. Many of his medical colleagues would dispute that statement.
Chopra was named in a lawsuit by the widow of a man suffering from leukemia who, after adopting Ayurvedic practice, was allegedly pronounced cured, then died shortly thereafter. The suit was eventually dismissed and Chopra claimed only minimal involvement. Yet the man who “allegedly pronounced the ‘cure’…[is] described in Chopra’s books as ‘perhaps the greatest…Ayurvedic physician alive today.’”
Chopra suggests that in order to experience optimum health one should “let go of guilt.” Yet neither Chopra’s Hinduism nor his New Age beliefs offer any basis for real forgiveness. He says that guilt, “of course, is simply blame directed at yourself.” On the contrary, man has sinned against God and that is the cause of his guilt. Chopra’s philosophy is amoral as well as anti-Christian.
The Los Angeles Times has called Chopra a “New Age superstar….” Chopra and two other Indian-born doctors published an article in the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) “that discussed ayurvedic medicine in glowing terms…. Months later a JAMA editor published a lengthy, exhaustively documented article that, in effect, accused the trio of…peddling warmed-over transcendental meditation with no scientific basis…. Chopra struck back at JAMA with a lawsuit…[which] has since been dismissed.”
Deepak Chopra claims, “We have a new science….” In fact, Chopra is offering not science but religion. Tragically, those who follow Chopra’s advice often succumb to occult delusion and embrace Hinduism as well.
Marty Kaplan, Hollywood studio executive, screenwriter, and producer, was “a cultural Jew, an agnostic, a closet nihilist….” He took up meditation from a Deepak Chopra book and embraced the generic false god of the occult—Self as “God.” Such is his delusion that he believes this was the God of Jesus. In an article titled “Ambushed by Spirituality,” Kaplan enthusiastically tells of his tragic entrapment in the occult:
“What attracted me to meditation was its apparent religious neutrality. You don’t have to believe in anything; all you have to do is do it…. The spirituality of it ambushed me. Unwittingly, I was engaging in a practice that has been at the heart of religious mysticism for millennia…. The God I have found is common to Moses and Muhammad, to Buddha and Jesus…what the Cabala calls Ayin, nothingness…Spirit, Being, the All. I used to think of psychic phenomena as New Age flimflam. I used to think of reincarnation as a myth. I used to think the soul was a metaphor. Now I know there is a God—my God, in here, demanding not faith but experience….”