Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Occultism and Selfism |

Dave Hunt

By turning the focus inward, the Freudian/Jungian obsession with the unconscious spawned a menagerie of selfisms that invaded not only the world by the church: self-love, self-acceptance, self-improvement, self-worth, self-confidence, self-esteem, self-ad nauseam. Selfism is at the heart of the occult. Self is the sanctuary of human potential. It is self and pride that seeks psychic power. Jesus said a man must “deny himself” (Mark:8:34) and Paul denounced any confidence in self (Philippians:3:3-7). In contrast, Robert Schuller praises self:

“Self-love is a crowning sense of self-worth. It is an ennobling emotion of self-respect…an abiding faith in yourself. It is sincere belief in yourself. It comes through self-discovery, self-discipline, self-forgiveness and self-acceptance. It produces self-reliance, self-confidence and an inner security, calm as the night.”