Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Occultism in Public Schools |

Dave Hunt

An article titled “Guided Imagery in Education” in the Journal of Humanistic Psychology declares, “From Delphi’s ‘know thyself’ through scripture’s ‘you shall be as gods!’ we are left with the certitude that we are, indeed, multidimensional beings capable of works beyond our imagining and that our primary purpose in life is to discover who we are and who we can become.” The author seemingly doesn’t know that “you shall be as gods” is Satan’s major lie. The article introduces transpersonal education and states that “meditation and guided imagery are the core of the curriculum.”

The techniques taught to children in public schools are similar to those used by witch doctors for contacting the “spirit guides” (demons) that give them their power. Schoolchildren are taught to visualize themselves under water, see DUSO the dolphin coming to them, focus on it until its image becomes clear, then talk to it. It will talk back. Contact has been made with a spirit entity. Thereafter, DUSO need only be visualized and will come to one’s immediate aid. The nationwide language-arts curriculum READ includes the following visualization exercise:

“Close your eyes and breathe deeply to relax…. Picture in your mind a place…become acquainted with your surroundings…ask to meet a guide. An animal, person or being will accompany you and give you whatever power you might need…. Watch what this new companion does or shows you. Listen to what it says. Go wherever this guide wants to lead you. You are safe….”

Third-graders in California were taught to visualize a personal spirit guide in the form of an animal, then had to write about their occult experience with this creature for a public bulletin-board display. Oregon students were seated in the order of their astrological signs for a Winter Solstice celebration as the “sun god” and “moon goddess” entered the auditorium accompanied by chanting and the beating of drums. “Celebrating Winter Solstice with ‘dance around the Solstice tree’ is one of the Anti-Bias Curriculum’s suggested alternatives to Christmas.”

Those who bring the occult into education are highly honored. Occult psychologist Jean Houston was named “Educator of the Year” in 1984-85 by the National Teachers Education Association (NEA) and by the National Catholic Educators. Lamar Alexander, Education Secretary under President Bush, confessed that the book that influenced his thinking the most in the last ten years was A God Within, by Rene Dubos, in which Dubos says that “our salvation depends upon our ability to create a religion of nature…suited to…modern man.”

A Montana mother discovered that her fourth-grader’s class was to pretend it was part of a mythical Indian tribe. The children were to imagine themselves going on a quest “alone in the wilderness…to prove to their tribe that they are worthy of being considered adults.” Concerned that these quests would be used to encounter spirit guides, she studied the lessons. In one, the children were introduced to a mystical youth “from the Modat Tribe, ‘known to have great shamans.’” They were to follow him (in their minds) to a “deep canyon…[were] you feel many spirits rising…calling you to visit this incredible place.” The students were to write a paper describing their adventures there. These are only a few of the examples of occultism being taught to young children in public schools.