The pagan worship of nature was extolled at the Re-Imagining God” conference attended by many professing evangelicals. Along with summoning “the spirit of Earth, Air, and Water,” Chung [Hyun] Kyung declared:
“For many Asians, we see god in the wind, in the fire, in the tree, in the ocean. We are living with god, it is just energy…. We believe that this life-giving energy came from god and it is everywhere, it is in the sun, in the ocean, it is from the ground and it is from the trees. We ask god’s permission to use this life-giving energy for our sisters and brothers in need. If you feel very tired…you go to a big tree and ask tree, ‘Give me some of your life energy!’”
The coalition between religion and science for the ecological rescue of Earth is gaining momentum. We hear blasphemous statements regarding Earth from conservative “Christian” leaders, especially within the Roman Catholic Church. Before his death, Carl Sagan, an atheist and leading anti-Christian, began making favorable comments about religion. He had clearly joined the new coalition. He enthusiastically quoted the following from Pope John Paul II:
“Science can purify religion from error and superstition; religion can purify science from idolatry and false absolutes. Each can draw the other into a wider world, a world in which both can flourish…. Such bridging ministries must be nurtured and encouraged. Nowhere is this more clear than in the current environmental crisis…. It has the potential to unify and renew religious life.”
Science will be a major ecumenical influence in creating a world religion. We have already explained why the Roman Catholic Church is especially intimidated by science and thus eager to find itself in agreement with whatever science seems to propose.
Arriving to attend the June 3-14, 1992, Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro, the Dalai Lama, a close friend of the Pope, was welcomed warmly by Cardinal Eugenio de Araujo Sales. The Roman Catholic Church was the only church which had the right to attend the conference because Vatican City is recognized as a sovereign state on the same level as the United States, Great Britain, etc. Addressing the 1992 Rio Earth Summit, the United Nations Secretary-General called the world back to the pagan worship of nature:
“Over and above the moral contract with God, over and above the social contract concluded with men, we must now conclude an ethical and political contract with nature, with this Earth to which we owe our very existence and which gives us life. To the ancients, the Nile was a god to be venerated, as was the Rhine, an infinite source of European myths, or the Amazonian forest, the mother of forests. Throughout the world, nature was the abode of the divinities that gave the forest, the desert or the mountains a personality which commanded worship and respect. The Earth had a soul. To find that soul again, to give it new life, that is the essence of Rio.”
Gorbachev says that the main purpose of Green Cross is “to bring nations together…to stimulate the new environmental consciousness…returning Man to a sense of being a part of Nature.” To require man to act like he is “part of Nature” is an admission that he is not. Nature’s creatures need no such urging. Yet Gorbachev admitted that “conflict with nature is fundamental to our technologies.”
Radios, TV, cars, planes, computers, operas, and art are not natural. Nor are ambulances, doctors, hospitals, and compassion—and right there we confront a major contradiction within the ecological movement and the evolutionary theory upon which it is based. Sir John Eccles writes, “The facts of human morality and ethics are clearly at variance with a theory that explains all behavior in terms of self-preservation and the preservation of the species.”