Nuggets from Occult Invasion—Two Generations of Sorcerers |

Dave Hunt

The moral and spiritual consequences of tampering with the brain and nervous system through drugs could be far worse than the physical dangers. Remember, the brain is “a machine that a ghost can operate.” The normal connection between the brain and the human spirit is loosened by drugs, allowing a demonic spirit to operate the brain. That fact is being completely ignored by the entire field of psychopharmacology. Already two generations of youth have been led unwittingly into sorcery. They thought they were just having fun on “recreational” drugs, only to be ushered seductively into the sorcerer’s world. As a result, they developed a basically Hindu philosophy of life that totally transformed them.

We have already quoted Terence McKenna that the entities one meets on drug trips “are trying to teach us something.” Brad Green is only one of multitudes who stepped into the occult through the psychedelic door. His experience is typical of many which have been related to the author in interviews around the world. Here are his own words:

“When I first took acid [LSD], I took weak enough doses just to have fun and see colors and psychedelic patterns…but when I started taking really heavy doses…I got a spirit guide.

“After that, whenever I took psychedelic drugs, I was always guided by spirit beings. I had spirit teachers showing me lessons, making diagrams right in front of me…. One of the first times I took a strong dose of LSD, I had a lesson in astrology…. I saw all the signs of the zodiac…the whole thing was laid out in living color, big charts…information being printed right in front of me by spirit beings…. I heard their voices, but I didn’t see any of them at that time.

“On another LSD trip, the spirit guides taught me about Hinduism…. They taught me the highest Hindu vibration, OM [pronounced AUM]. I saw the whole universe dissolve into vibrations and started seeing vibrations of energy coming out of phone wires…and the spirits showed me that everything came down to one basic vibration, the OM. I saw ‘vibes’ in people…. I had quit high school and devoted my life to taking drugs…. With spirits teaching me, I thought I’d entered into a higher education…more worthwhile than just dull stuff in school. One of my friends was taught Transcendental Meditation by spirits on an LSD trip. He never had any teaching from Maharishi. By the time he was 18, just following what the spirits had taught him…he had reached Cosmic-consciousness.

“Later on we were heavily influenced by the Beatles. They had a record called ‘Revolver’ that I’d heard but didn’t understand until I heard it again…when I was stoned. The song was teaching meditation. It said, ‘Turn off your mind, relax and float downstream, listen to the voices, are they not speaking…!’ It was about spirit beings guiding you into Cosmic-consciousness.

“A lot of stuff the Beatles put into their albums…had all kinds of enticement to get kids into LSD…then later they advocated Maharishi Mahesh Yogi after they’d…gotten into TM. The Beatles, I think, were largely responsible for initiating hundreds of thousands of kids…into the Eastern way of thinking….

“I accepted everything the spirits taught me because it had to be truth coming from the Universal Self. I began to believe that was what God was. I started to believe that God was the OM and that the universe was just maya, an illusion…. [Later] I began to realize that the spirits had been teaching me Hinduism. I accepted it as truth—I didn’t care what it was called.”

Such experiences cannot be attributed to imagination or coincidence. There is a very clear purpose and a unity to what is taught to those who enter the sorcerers’ world. It is the same worldwide in all cultures and in all periods of history. Unquestionably, contact has been made with nonhuman intelligences that have a definite agenda.