Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt

A man complains bitterly, “There’s no justice in this world!” What is he talking about? If it doesn’t exist on earth, he has obviously never had any contact with the quality of justice that he is complaining ought to be here but isn’t. How does he know it is missing in human experience? Why is he sure it exists? Where could that be, and how does he know about it? How does he even have the concept of “justice” (or of grace, truth, holiness, or selfless love) if he is only the material of his body and has had no physical contact with justice by sight, hearing, taste, touch, or smell? Indeed, justice has none of these physical qualities. It is unquestionably nonphysical. That we understand nonphysical concepts proves that we, our real selves that exist independent of our bodies, must be nonphysical as well.

Materialism simply won’t hold up to examination. It cannot explain even the simplest realities of life that we experience daily. Much less can materialism explain profound thoughts, philosophical concepts, the drive to expand one’s knowledge, and the yearning for purpose and meaning even beyond this physical life. Undeniably, the appreciation of truth, wisdom, and beauty, the loathing of evil, and the longing for ultimate fulfillment do not arise from any quality of the atoms, molecules, or cells that constitute the body or even of the brain.

Tissues know nothing about issues. There is therefore good reason to believe that the spirit to which these undeniably spiritual capacities belong will continue to exist even when the tissues that make up the body it has inhabited have died.