Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt
Since the days of Freud, psychology has long promoted the theory that any religious faith is merely a conditioned response learned especially in youth. That may well be true in many cases, but it cannot serve as justification for abandoning what one has been taught from childhood. The issue is whether what one was persuaded to believe is the truth or not. Tragically, the truth has often been abandoned for a more appealing lie.
In fact, this idea of conditioning is a myth that must be dispensed with in our search for true faith. The very fact that the person has rebelled against his upbringing and alleged conditioning is itself proof that this theory is false. That multitudes of formerly religious persons offer what they consider to be sound reasons for rejecting what they have been taught and once believed proves that the so-called conditioning upon which this theory rests didn’t work, at least not in their cases. The very rebellion the theory has been adopted to excuse disproves the conditioning theory.