Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt - Are You Standing on the Word of God? |

TBC Staff

Like Adam and Eve, mankind still flees the voice of God, clothes itself with the makeshift garments of new theories no better than fragile leaves, and hides behind trees of its latest excuses for unbelief and rebellion. Psychological theories come and go in a steady stream of folly. For example, drapetomania was the official psychiatric diagnosis of a “mental illness” that was epidemic in early America. Afflicting only slaves, it was marked by a compulsion to escape – and vanished with the Civil War.

The diagnostic and treatment record hasn’t improved since. The famous Jewish psychiatrist, Thomas Szasz, called psychology “the clever and cynical destruction of the spirituality of man, and its replacement by a positivistic ‘science of mind.’” He titled the book containing that statement The Myth of Psychotherapy. Yet the church eagerly accepts each new theory, and the dependence of Christians upon unbiblical solutions continues to grow.

To encourage a passion to know and to put to use all the counsel of God is a major purpose of our ministry. One must know the whole Bible and not merely favorite or “positive” parts of it. May nothing undermine our confidence that God’s Word is a sufficient guide for “life and godliness” (2 Peter:1:3-9)! Only through heeding its “doctrine, reproof, correction, [and] instruction in righteousness” can we be “perfect [that is, mature, complete], thoroughly furnished unto all good works” (2 Timothy:3:16-17).