Nuggets from "An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith" by Dave Hunt - Truth or Dare? |

Dave Hunt

Nuggets from “An Urgent Call to a Serious Faith” by Dave Hunt – Truth or Dare?

It would be folly to step into eternity trusting (in rejection of God’s Word) one’s own ideas of some church or religious leader. All who would know their eternal destiny for certain must rely upon what the Bible itself proves to be true about salvation and living the Christian life. Because of the irrefutable proof that it is God’s Word, the Bible must be our authority.

We commend the Bible to each reader. Do not take our word, but search God’s Word for yourself. Why is this personal study necessary? Because to whatever extent one relies upon some third party (pastor, priest, preacher, author, church, etc.) to interpret the Bible, to that extent one has lost contact with God and His Word. God wants to speak to each individual through His Word and through Jesus Christ, not through some intermediary.

The Bible itself says, “Faith cometh by hearing…the word of God” (Romans:10:17). In our earnest desire to know the one true God, we must turn to the Scriptures alone. It is up to each one to check it all out from there, the only infallible authority and, having examined the proofs, to believe the Word of God. Such is the basis of true faith – the only faith that saves for eternity.