Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt |

Hunt, Dave

Nuggets from "Whatever Happened to Heaven?" by Dave Hunt (published in 1988)

Parents have the right, in obedience to God, to object individually or collectively and to resist the teaching of evolution or other atheistic/humanistic theories or occult or religious (witchcraft, New Age, etc.) beliefs or practices to their children that are contrary to the Christian faith. They have the right to resist immoral teachings in the public schools that present young minds with ideas and temptations that would never otherwise occur to them at their age. Current examples are some facets of sex education, values clarification, the presentation of homosexuality or free sex to children as alternative lifestyles—or any other teachings that deliberately attempt to undermine Christianity in the eyes of children and Christian parents.

Of course, the distinction must be made between trying to force values upon others and simply standing true to personal convictions in obedience to God. It is one thing to protect our own children from godless influences that are an offense to God and that violate the charge He has given to governments. It is something else to attempt to force biblical values upon a godless world.