Actor Jamie Foxx hails “our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama” [Excerpts]
There are some consequences to cultivating a creepy cult of personality in order to win elections. For example, there’s always the danger of your more… energetic supporters going overboard in their worship of Dear Leader.
Such was the case at the Soul Train Awards [November 25], when actor Jamie Foxx declared, “It’s like church over here! First of all, give an honor to God and our Lord and Savior, Barack Obama.” He then led the audience in chanting the President’s name.
There were some attempts to justify Foxx’s behavior by claiming it was some sort of joke, although he doesn’t sound like he’s kidding, and the audience doesn’t appear primed to enjoy robust mockery of the Cult of O.
This isn’t the first time Obama supporters have gone overboard...We’ve had celebrities swearing personal oaths of loyalty to him. Schoolchildren have been made to sing hymns about Obama. Newsweek editor Evan Thomas said in 2009 that “in a way, Obama’s standing above the country, above the world, he’s sort of God.”
More recently, a professor at Florida A&M put out a book called “The Gospel According to Apostle Barack,” which is a bit of a demotion from the celestial position Jamie Foxx had in mind for the President, but in the pages of the book itself Obama is explicitly compared to both Jesus and Martin Luther King Jr., so he’s actually more like an apostle-plus or Super-Apostle.
Besides the disturbing North Korean flavor of this personality cult, it’s an expression of the Obama voter’s childlike dependence on government for both intellectual and spiritual direction, and a testimony to the linguistic poverty of this lowbrow era. Earlier generations would have considered it both horrifying and rude for free-born citizens to regard any politician as a messianic figure. Even the best elected officials should be viewed with some degree of skepticism by their moost enthusiastic supporters… if those supporters embrace the traditional American relationship between citizens and the State. But many of us are no longer interested in either jealously guarding our liberties, or the exploring the poetry of language. If people like you, then you’re bigger than the Beatles; you’re Superman, you’re Jesus. There are no fine degrees of awesomeness, and no blemishes upon the face of an icon. Elections are more akin to football games than sober choices of temporary leadership… as much emotional as they are rational.