When Christ...cried out triumphantly, “It is finished” (Jn:19:30When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished: and he bowed his head, and gave up the ghost.
See All...)....The saving work was fulfilled, completed....[A]ll who are recipients of that salvation are granted everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of Christ (2 Pt 1:3)....We are complete in Christ (Col:2:10And ye are complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power:
See All...). What can anyone add to that?
But a widespread lack of confidence in Christ’s sufficiency is threatening the contemporary church. Too many Christians have tacitly acquiesced to the notion that our riches in Christ...simply are not adequate to meet people’s real needs....
The failure of modern Christians to understand and appropriate the riches of Christ has opened the door to all kinds of aberrant influences. Bad doctrine, legalism, libertinism, humanism, and secularization—to name a few—are eroding the foundations of the Christian faith.
John MacArthur, Preface, Our Sufficiency in Christ
A man must make a choice either to have God on his side or men. I am confident that if I did not say what I am about to say I should be silent from the fear of man....A sword in the hands of a child is mightier than a straw in the hands of a giant, and no amount of earnestness can be condemned when pleading the cause of God.
I will have no...complicity with Rome; because I believe Rome to be an apostate. A worshipper of Bread for God; a remover of the sovereign mediatorship of Christ; a destroyer of the true gospel, she teaches a system which, if any man believes or follows as she teaches it, he will infallibly be lost—he must be.
George Sayles Bishop, The Doctrines of Grace, 1910