Wherever Christians meet these days one word is sure to be heard constantly repeated; that word is revival.
In sermon, song and prayer we are forever reminding the Lord and each other that what we must have to solve all our spiritual problems is a “mighty, old-time revival....”
So strongly is the breeze blowing for revival that scarcely anyone appears to have the discernment or the courage to turn around and lean into the wind, even though the truth may easily lie in that direction....
It is my considered opinion that under the present circumstances we do not want revival at all. A widespread revival of the kind of Christianity we know today in America might prove to be a moral tragedy from which we would not recover in a hundred years.
—A. W. Tozer , Keys to the Deeper Life, pp 7-8
It is not my business as a preacher to spend my time in civil rights demonstrations, or seeking to bring a Utopia on earth....My one task shall be to preach the Word, not expecting to solve the problems of the nations until Jesus comes. Today God is calling out a remnant...in response to the preaching of the Word of God. I believe it is a sin for a Christian who knows his Bible to become greatly upset about world conditions as though God were not in control any longer.
—M. R. DeHaan
Even where their religion includes a belief that Christ is coming again, they think the world is not yet good enough for that, being ignorant that God has said it is not yet bad enough for His judgment.
—E. W. Bullinger
Essentially, the great work of the church consists only in saving souls from the unavoidable wreck of the world that is sure to come.
—D. L. Moody