(By Itamar Marcus and Barbara Crook, Palestinian Media Watch)
In a vulgar distortion of history, the PA media often compare the Palestinian situation to the suffering of the Jews in the Holocaust. The PA's latest propaganda film about "refugees" draws on a well-known image from Holocaust history -- dead Jews hanging over barbed wire -- and restages it with false images of Palestinians hanging from barbed wire.
These shocking visual images are combined with numerous messages of political indoctrination, geared particularly towards youth. First and foremost is the denial of Israel's right to exist. The essence of the program is that all of Israel is occupied "Palestine," stolen from the "refugees," and that the "refugees" have never forgotten and will "return." A young child talks of his "return," saying that although he is the fourth generation, he has not forgotten his roots in the land, and will return by his "blood." The recurring theme is, "We will surely return."
This program has been broadcast four times in recent months. [PATV four times, May-August 2004]
During Israel's War of Independence, hundreds of thousands of Arabs left for neighboring Arab countries. Most left after encouragement from Arab leaders, who thought it would help the war effort.
Most of the Arabs ended up in UN refugee camps. To this day, the hosting Arab countries have used various laws, including those prohibiting land and business ownership, to prevent the original refugees and their descendants from becoming permanent citizens. These laws, and the desire to use the issue of "refugee suffering" as a political tool against Israel, have in fact caused the continued suffering for the camp residents and their descendants.
Palestinian Authority (PA) propaganda accuses Israel of expelling all the "refugees," and blames Israel for their continued suffering. Instead of calling for solutions to the problems in the countries in which these people were born and reside, the PA demands that Israel absorb the remaining original refugees and millions of their descendants.
For more details, visit Palestinian Media Watch at
[TBC: Dave Hunt’s video, “Israel, Islam, and Armageddon” provides dramatic historical and biblical insight into the past, present, and future conflict between Muslims and Jews. For details on this amazing documentary, visit http://thebereancall.org/ShoppingCart/default.aspx?ProductURL=ProductsList.aspx?CategoryID=40