Persecution in Morocco |

TBC Staff

Open Doors Launches Campaign to Pressure Morocco to Halt Rise in Deportation, Persecution of Christians [Excerpts]

SANTA ANA, Calif., July 22, 2010 /Christian Newswire/ -- Since March, the intensity of persecution in Morocco has increased significantly. Consider the following:

* The deportation of at least 128 foreign Christians, including almost half of them Americans, from Morocco.

* An increase in interrogations and surveillance of Christian nationals.

* A reported 7,000 Muslim leaders signing a document describing the work of Christians within Morocco as "moral rape" and "religious terrorism."

These developments in Morocco are alarming, but perhaps not so surprising to some Moroccan Christians. During a Tom Lantos Human Rights Commission hearing on Capitol Hill last month, a Moroccan Christian who fled the country five years ago testified that Morocco has never been (moderate) as it portrayed it was. "The fact is religious freedom in Morocco simply does not exist. The West is presented with a façade that is now exposed."