Planned Parenthood: Wolf in Sheep's Clothing |

TBC Staff

[TBC: The following comments from an African American commentator demonstrate that the "love of money" is truly "the root of all evil" (1 Timothy:6:10).]

Planned Parenthood: A wolf in sheep's clothing? [Excerpts]

During the last few years, everyone in the nation has come to understand that things are not always the way they appear with individuals or organizations. While all of us struggle to live up to our ideals, some groups live permanently in the land of personal or professional compromise.

Planned Parenthood Federation of America (PPFA) may be such an organization. Because of the group's gross disregard for the law and the dignity of its youngest clients, I believe that Planned Parenthood should be de-funded by the Federal government. This billion-dollar-a-year federation presents the pristine appearance of an empowering, civil rights organization. As I have already stated, looks can be very deceiving.
Media savvy representatives such as Faye Waddleton and Cecile Richards have cut stunning figures in both print and television. Waddleton, a charming and articulate black social activist, served as a past president of the PPFA.
Although Planned Parenthood describes itself as "the nation's leading sexual and reproductive healthcare advocate and provider," many people believe that Planned Parenthood is actually peddling death in an aggressive and unethical manner. This statement refers to the way the services are being delivered, not just to the fact that abortions are being performed. As local representatives make what they believe to be historic stands for what they call "reproductive freedom," they often do so in a "by any means necessary," Machiavellian mindset in which the ends justify the means.
They fight to give access to abortion, contraception, pregnancy tests, and cancer screenings to people of all races and classes. Unfortunately, local leaders of Planned Parenthood may have moved into a level of dangerous rule breaking that could destroy the future of many naïve young persons and countless under-aged girls. Let me explain what's going on.
In Ohio, Planned Parenthood is being sued for failing to report the rape of a 16-year-old by her father. This is not the first time that center leaders have tried to bend age-related reporting requirements.
Thirteen months ago, UCLA student Lila Rose appeared on the O'Reilly Factor, stating that some Planned Parenthood centers attempt to hide child abuse or statutory rape by encouraging underage mothers to falsify their ages in order to receive an abortion. Child abuse is not a reproductive freedom issue; it is an increasing serious problem in the nation today.
Should those who have been entrusted with public funds be allowed to empower sexual predators to hide their crimes? The answer is obviously "No!" In addition, there are many national accusations of Planned Parenthood workers allegedly "helping" under-aged abortion candidates to "doctor" their paperwork by misrepresenting their age.
I wish that the cases enumerated above were the only cases of Planned Parenthood running into conflict with the law.
In "Planned Parenthood Puts A Hit Out On Black Children," I enumerated my concerns about PPFA's history and legal problems in more depth. In addition, the editorial addressed the problem of race and racism that has been a part of PPFA's roots from its inception.
The most important aspect of my discussion of Planned Parenthood involves money. De-funding PPFA sounds like a drastic step at first blush. But it is the only way to prevent the organization from committing abuses that will affect our society for generations to come. Federal funds totaling $305 million represent a third of PPFA's income. Taking away this money may force the group to re-evaluate both its strategies and its values.