Politically Incorrect But True | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

TBC: What drives the "Man Caused Global Warming" movement? Is it overwhelming evidence from science? As we (and others) have noted, the movement itself presents a number of features that clearly distinguish it from scientific inquiry. Consider the remarks of Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer during an appearance on Larry King Live.
"There's really a climate of hope, not fear, because we are listening to the scientists, and yes, there are always a few who are the naysayers just like there were people who said the earth is flat, but eventually there's a consensus. We know there's a consensus that has built, and I'm not going to debate anymore whether this is happening. I know it's happening" (Senator Barbara Boxer, Larry King Live,
The process of of Consensus building is defined as "a decision-making process that not only seeks the agreement of most participants, but also to resolve or mitigate the objections of the minority to achieve the most agreeable decision" (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consensus_decision-making).
Simply put, consensus building is not "science," but simply the imposition of the majority opinion upon a minority regardless of the validity of scientific data presented. Although a compliant media has run a few articles protesting the "suppression" of the science "proving" global warming (with experts quoted being primarily radical believers in the same), the pressure and marginalizing of dissenters is growing.
Please note, there is no room for truth or empirical evidence in consensus building as manifested today. It is nothing more or less than a "religious belief." This is demonstrated by another guest on the same Larry King Live program. Dr. Heidi Cullen has suggested that any TV meteorologist certified by the American Meteorological Society who did not believe in manmade global warming theory be decertified (http://epw.senate.gov/public/index.cfm?FuseAction=PressRoom.Blogs&ContentRecord_id=32abc0b0-802a-23ad-440a-88824bb8e528).
That is hardly indicative of a something supported by overwhelming scientific evidence. How does Senator Boxer know it is happening? Why, she believes it is happening!