Progressives and the Cost of Anti-Semitism |

TBC Staff

Some have been shocked at what seems like a sudden explosion of anti-Semitism on university campuses. It is shocking, but perhaps we should not be all that astonished. Why should we be so surprised? William F. Buckley Jr. raised the alert in his 1951 book, God and Man at Yale. Buckley’s premise was simple:

“But God and Man at Yale is about more than God and man. It also concerns Yale itself, where a young Bill Buckley believed political radicals were subverting American society by indoctrinating the nation’s future leaders with atheism and collectivism.

That was 73 years ago, and the universities have only increased their efforts to radically transform America and the western world. Few grasp, even now, how deeply Progressive and “Woke” the leadership and professors are at those universities. Some, like Neta Meltzer, believe radicalism is far more deeply entrenched in Progressivism than most are willing to admit.

Meltzer write in her article, “The CNN documentary glossed over progressive antisemitism. I’ve faced it, and we must confront it: Antisemitism on the progressive left is insidious, and we ignore it to our detriment: Why are we so afraid to delve into the problem of antisemitism on the political left? Of the exclusion of Jewish students on campus when they identify as proud Zionists, the rejection of Jewish participation in a marches meant to celebrate diversity and acceptance, the unwillingness to address the progressive movement’s most pressing issues side by side with Jewish organizations, the complete erasure of the Jewish connection to their indigenous homeland in Israel, and the idea that denying the legitimacy of the Jewish state is anything short of clear and blatant antisemitism? Why can’t we talk about it — all of it?

We would suggest that, ultimately, it is truly a spiritual problem. With the left’s total rejection, even revulsion, of objective morality, tolerance isn’t possible, and therefore, there is no reason not to be anti-Semitic. As we pointed out in “They’re Just Jews,” few realize that there is a 4 ½ times more likelihood of a hate crime being committed against a Jew than a Muslim.

Anti-Semitism is not new in America, sadly. It was quite popular in the 1930s and 40s. It extends across nations and has a long history in the past.  Anti-Semitism predates Christianity. In Why have Jews been targets of oppression for so long? Look to the Bible, Alexander Roberts suggests that the pattern begins as far back as Genesis 26, where Abimelech sent Isaacs’s family away from his domain because of their tendency to succeed and outshine surrounding peoples. Roberts also provides a partial list of “some of the nations that had ‘violently expelled Jews.’” There seems to be an interesting, if somewhat startling, correlation between how nations turn against their Jewish population and the collapse of those nations.

Roberts writes: “Many historians call Jews the “canary in the coal mine,” a metaphor referring to the practice by miners of sending canaries into mine shafts to determine if they were safe from dangerous levels of toxic gases.  When societies blame Jews for their problems, both are in trouble. Or, as the late Chief Rabbi of Britain, Lord Jonathan Sacks, put it, “The hate that begins with Jews never ends with Jews.”

The classic paradigm is the experience of Jews in Spain and the Spanish Inquisition [founded in 1478]. Thousands of Jews were burned at the stake for “insincere” conversions. In 1492, with the Spanish treasury depleted by the fight to dislodge Muslim rule, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella enacted the Alhambra Decree to expel the Jews and seized their money. The confiscated wealth, however, never made up for the economic and cultural loss of so many prominent merchants, artisans, scientists and philosophers. Ironically, the Jews of Spain were welcomed by the Ottoman Empire and its Sultan who said, “They tell me that Ferdinand of Spain is a wise man, but he is a fool. For he takes his treasure and sends it all to me.”
Spain declined and went bankrupt 100 years later, while the Ottoman Empire became a great power.

These facts alone are enough to tell us that God is not through with His people, the Jews. They are not “the church,” but rather both groups are uniquely loved by God.

Looking back further to the late 4th century, Christianity became the State Church of Rome, and the “Jews became the victims of religious intolerance and political oppression.” This stems not from sound biblical teaching but from misuse of passages of the New Testament.

So, are the Jews responsible before God for the death of Jesus? Did the Jews kill Christ? There are several problems with this claim. First, it was Jesus Who said, “I lay down my life for the sheep” (John:10:15). To make sure there was no misunderstanding, Jesus reiterated it more strongly:

“For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life that I may take it up again. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down, and I have authority to take it up again. This charge I have received from my Father.” (John:10:17-18).

Second, it was the chief priests and rulers who conspired to bring about the trial and crucifixion of Christ and led the people in demanding the crucifixion. (Luke:23:13-25) Third, it was Pilate that passed the sentence to execution. Fourth, all of this was ordained by God. While on trial before the religious leaders, Peter enumerated the responsible parties: “…for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you [God] anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever your hand and your plan had predestined to take place. (Acts:4:27-28).

Fifth, on the cross, “Jesus said, ‘Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.’” (Luke:23:34)