Psycho science? |

TBC Staff

In attempting to evaluate the status of psychology, the American Psychological Association appointed Sigmund Koch to plan and direct a study which was subsidized by the National Science Foundation.  This study involved eighty eminent scholars in assessing the facts, theories, and methods of psychology.  The results of this extensive endeavor were then published in a seven volume series entitled PSYCHOLOGY: A STUDY OF A SCIENCE.  Koch describes the delusion from which we have been suffering in thinking about psychology as a science: “The hope of a psychological science became indistinguishable from the fact of psychological science.  The entire subsequent history of psychology can be seen as a ritualistic endeavor to emulate the forms of science in order to sustain the delusion that it already is a science.”

Excerpted from Psychoheresy, Martin and Deidre Bobgan, Eastgate Publishers, 1987, p.28