Question: How has God “won” if there are more souls in hell than in heaven? |

TBC Staff

Question: “...[B]road is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat” (Matthew:7:13). How has God “won” if there are more souls in hell than in heaven?

Response: Are you sure there will be “more souls in hell than in heaven”? The verse you quote refers to those who reject the narrow way to life—not to those who die in infancy or to aborted babies. If these, having neither sinned nor rejected the gospel, are indeed purchased by Christ’s sacrifice for sin (as I believe they are), there could easily be more in heaven than in hell. Furthermore, even if no one went to heaven, God has still “won.” He never compromised His justice but insisted that the penalty be paid and allows no one into heaven who has rejected Christ’s payment on their behalf. Christ conquered Satan by living a sinless life of perfect obedience to the Father—and then by laying down His life in full payment for sin. God has proved both His love and His justice, both His mercy and holiness. In the cross, God has won the victory over Satan, sin, and death, and has made it available to all who will receive it as the free gift of His grace.