Question: How will Islam unite with Rome? |

TBC Staff

Question: How does the rise of Islam fit with the revival of Rome? The woman riding the beast represents a world religion headed by the Vatican. Can you see Islam ever uniting with Rome?

Response: Yes. The Vatican has long been “dialoguing” with Muslims to realize such unity. Muslim leaders have already joined with Rome to oppose abortion. Many Muslim leaders are ecumenists. On May 14, 1999, a delegation of “Christian” and Muslim leaders from Iraq visited the Pope in Rome. They gave the Pope a special copy of the Qur’an. He kissed it and expressed his reverence for it.

Official Catholic declarations claim that the Muslims worship the one true God. For example: “The plan of salvation also includes those who acknowledge the Creator, in the first place amongst whom are the Moslems: ...and together with us they adore the one, merciful God...” (Vat II, Lumen Gentium, II, 16). Conspicuous by its absence is any reference to Jews as worshipers of Yahweh, while Muslims are put in “first place.” Rome accepts anyone of any religion as long as they give allegiance to the Pope.

Your question, however, pertains to true Muslims, for whom there can be no compromise with any non-Muslims, religious or not. How will these be united into a one world religion and government under the Vatican and Antichrist?

It could be that God will destroy militant Islam, which may be indicated when Gog attacks Israel. (Ezekiel:38:16-23). Another event that could possibly bring this about is the sudden disappearance of perhaps 100-million people from this planet through the Rapture of true Christians. Terror would grip the entire world, causing the most violent enemies to unite against the common extraterrestrial enemy that has apparently snatched slaves from Earth and in all likelihood will return for more.

This worldwide hysteria will be Satan’s opportunity to put into power the man “...whose coming is after the working of Satan with all power and signs and lying wonders, And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish...” (2 Thessalonians:2:8-12). Antichrist will seem to have the answer to the crisis, and the world will follow wherever he leads.

At the beginning, he needs the false church (the woman who rides the beast), along with the Vatican’s worldwide network. He will claim to be God and “all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world” (Revelation:13:8). But when he is established and no longer needs the woman, he will destroy her.