The Question of Origins |

TBC Staff

How Christianity Gave Rise to Modern Science points out, "The period of time that historians call the Scientific Revolution is roughly 1300 to 1700." It was rooted in theism and a belief in God. In the late 19th Century, some scientists began looking for answers to origins that didn't include God. As Darwinism gained more of a foothold, creation was dismissed as more or less a myth by the mid-twentieth Century. It appears Evolutionary Biologist Concedes Intelligent Design Is the Cutting Edge:

Bret Weinstein and Heather Heying are well-known evolutionary biologists (and husband and wife) with a podcast, the DarkHorse Podcast. Recently Weinstein posed a provocative question, “Is intelligent design a competitor to Darwinian evolution?” His answer may surprise you: Yes.  

No, he’s not about to come over to the dark side. Weinstein is confident that Darwinism will meet the challenges that ID has set, about the Cambrian Explosion and more, but he concedes that it hasn’t done so yet.

If we consider what they are saying it is that they believe by faith that Darwinism will be the challenges ID has set. They have no evidence to support their beliefs, they just have beliefs. If the question is posed, "Can something arise from nothing uncaused for no reason, or does that point to a cause, an Intelligent Designer can only plead faith that it can. Pretty shaky, it seems to me.