Radio Discussion: Were the Oslo Accords a Hoax? |

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In a couple sentences, the book lays out this proposition: Israel is the number one topic of the Bible. The Bible says more about Israel than about anything else, even the Messiah. It makes prophecies about Israel. God makes promises to Israel. The world is defying Him, so we suggest that if what the Bible says about Israel is not true, then every synagogue and every Christian church ought to shut its doors and admit that this is a fraud. If what the Bible says is true, the leaders of this world, the political leaders, religious leaders better shape up to what God says, or they are heading for heavy judgment, and that’s where the title of this book comes from: Judgment Day. And God says—we point this out at the very beginning—God says in Joel:3:2: “I am going to punish all the nations of this world for two things: they have scattered my people everywhere…” This is anti-Semitism, been going on for centuries. But then God says, “…and they have divided my land.” And that has never happened until our generation. I say “my generation,” within my time. 

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