“And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven” (Genesis:1:20And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven.
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Current evolutionary thought suggests, as most people are aware, that birds evolved from therapod dinosaurs. Therefore, evolutionary scientists must find their evidence, not only for the evolution of the skeletal structure of birds and features such as feathers, but many other behavioral characteristics. As someone who keeps chickens, I am well aware of the desire among these birds to roost together at night, lending each other protection.
Scientists at Canada’s University of Alberta have been examining a fossil from the Mongolian desert. The fossil shows three oviraptors, said to be juvenile. Two of the raptors are more or less complete. They are said to be preserved in a sleeping posture “so close, that they would have been touching in life”.
One of the best uses of evidence is to demonstrate the inconsistency of thought on the part of evolutionists. For example, creationists interpret many fossils, including the famous archaeopteryx fossil, as having been preserved suddenly in a death-throe posture. Evolutionists are critical of this interpretation, not able to accept that fossilization can be sudden.
But in the case of these oviraptors, Alberta scientists have to assume that these dinosaurs were fossilized suddenly in a sleeping posture. If this were true, then it undermines the evolutionary position on the formation of other fossils. But if the Alberta scientists have interpreted the fossil dinosaurs’ posture incorrectly, then the entire usefulness of the fossil, as evidence for the evolution of birds, is negated. Either way, evolutionists have nothing to celebrate.
The Bible makes clear that birds were created on the fifth day of the creation week, while dinosaurs, being land animals, were created the day after birds, not millions of years before them.