Texas City Puts End to Future 'Drag Queen' Events | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Elected leaders in a Texas city have taken action after their community rose up and condemned drag queens reading to children. 

Responding to the uproar from the June event, City of Leander leaders voted at their August meeting to end public rentals of the library room.

KXAN, an NBC affiliate, reported the city’s action effectively ended any future “drag queen story time” at the public library. The city council voted 5-2 on the measure. Leander, a city of 50,000, is a suburb of Austin.

The city exploded with debate and protests when word spread the city was the scene of yet another drag queen story time, an ongoing push by LGBT activists to spread “tolerance” via men dressed as women reading and dancing in front of small children. 

A drag queen known as Miss Kitty Litter told local media that the story times promote “diversity, inclusiveness, and kindness.”

CBS Austin reported in June that approximately 130 people attended Leander’s “story time” and about 275 people protested outside, many of them aware that a similar event in neighboring Houston included two convicted sex offenders (one of them pictured above) who interacted with children.   

Mary Elizabeth Castle of Texas Values tells [how] the City of Leander spent thousands of dollars on police security at the public library.

“Actually the drag queen didn't show up,” she recalls. “But the church that was going to host the drag queen event drew it so much attention that it cost $20,000 of security for police officers and firefighters for the event."
