Tiny T-Rex From China | thebereancall.org

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Tiny T Rex from China [Excerpts]

We are often told that bunnies in the pre-Cambrian would be evidence against evolution, but that is just posturing. But what of real known anomalies? The Chinese fossil layers are throwing up all sorts of out of place evidence. It would be nice if we were told more about such fossils. But slowly word is getting out. We find now for instance a Tiny T Rex Raptorex kriegsteini in the early Cretaceous of China (or is that the late Jurassic?).

Although the Jehol Group of China is now thought to be of Early Cretaceous age, many taxa are from the ‘Late Jurassic, or older.’ It is suggested that perhaps East Asia was a ‘refugium for some of these more typically ‘Jurassic’ taxa in the Lower Cretaceous.’

To account for such anomalies there is the hypothesis that eastern Asia was ‘isolated from the rest of Laurasia during Middle Jurassic to Early Cretaceous times.’ There is also a relict tritylodontid synapsid ‘a group thought to have become extinct at the end of the Middle Jurassic’ now found in the Early Cretaceous of Japan.

‘The palaeobiogeographical history of this region was complex…’ it sure does complicate the text-book picture… ‘and the composition of the Jehol Biota is only partly explained by the refugium hypothesis.’

In addition to relics and an isolated refugium in the east Asian Lower Cretaceous there are also Upper Cretaceous biomes including tyrannosauroids etc. ‘…suggesting that this region could also be regarded as a centre of diversification for some of these taxa.’

So a refugium and a centre for diversification, wow, or perhaps the text-book view that the geological column gives evidence for evolution is deeply flawed. Where is the evidence for evolution if animals were still around long after they were supposed to have vanished? And animals that were supposed to have evolved later were already making their stage debut?


[It has been pointed out that circular reasoning is used to “date” fossils or strata. Strata is dated because of the fossils found within, while fossils are dated because of the strata they are in. Consequently, those fossils that are not found in the strata in which they ought to repose create a problem. See Morris, Henry M., 1974. Scientific Creationism, Master Books, pp. 95-96, 136.]