Trangenders are perfectly normal...until they sue |

TBC Staff

Transgenders are perfectly normal...until they sue?

A 36-year-old man who claims to be a woman filed suit against a Cabela's sporting goods store in Hamburg, Pennsylvania, for sex discrimination.

The plaintiff, a former Cabela's employee, is now known as "Kate Lynn Blatt" and is suing because he was denied access to the opposite-sex restroom.

Because he suffers from “gender dysphoria,” Blatt is also claiming discrimination under the Americans with Disabilities Act.

U.S. District Judge Joseph Leeson, with the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, is allowing the case to go forward.

Describing the case as "absolute nonsense," Liberty Counsel attorney Mat Staver points out that the Americans With Disabilities Act is designed to assist people who suffer from serious illness or injury that prevents them from working. It also excludes transgenders from its list of disabilities. 

Some have pointed out, meanwhile, that transgenderism is a mental illness known as "gender identity disorder" until the term was changed by the American Psychiatric Association under pressure from homosexual activists who applauded the change to "gender dysphoria."  

Enter attorneys with homosexual law group GLAD, who are working with Blatt to get "gender identity disorder" -- not "gender dysphoria" - added as a disability under ADA. 

"GLAD’s brief asserts that the GID exclusion in the ADA violates the Due Process Clause of the Fifth Amendment, and that the updated diagnosis of Gender Dysphoria (GD) in fact falls outside the scope of that exclusion as defined in the law," the attorneys argue on their website. 

“You can't have it both ways, frankly," says Staver. "You can't say that this is just natural and you need to treat it as normal, and on the other hand [claim] it's a disability and it's a disabling situation like some kind of disease."

(Charlie Butts, "Transgenders are perfectly normal...until they sue?," OneNewsNow Online, 5/25/17)