Those who have thoroughly investigated the topic [of UFOs] are aware of the strong connection between UFO phenomena and occultism. Christian researcher Brooks Alexander, of the Spiritual Counterfeits Project, notes that many of the reported cases of UFO contact “show some kind of occult involvement prior to initial UFO contact.”[3] Christian researcher John Weldon likewise notes that “UFO contactees often have a history of psychic abilities or an interest in the occult.”[4]
In many documented cases, those who successfully make “contact” with the “aliens” are those typically involved in one or more of the following: trance states, seances, clairvoyance, spiritism, automatic handwriting, peering into crystals, levitation, and out-of-body experiences.[5]
God condemns these occultic practices (see Deuteronomy:18:10-12 [10] There shall not be found among you any one that maketh his son or his daughter to pass through the fire, or that useth divination, or an observer of times, or an enchanter, or a witch,
[11] Or a charmer, or a consulter with familiar spirits, or a wizard, or a necromancer.
[12] For all that do these things are an abomination unto the LORD: and because of these abominations the LORD thy God doth drive them out from before thee.
See All...). All of them—either in isolation or taken together—can lead one into an encounter of some kind with a “UFO experience”—possibly even an “abduction.” These practices are spiritually hazardous and are strictly off-limits for the Christian.
Christian UFO investigator David Wimbish, who has engaged in significant research into the UFO phenomenon, has suggested that not only can the occult lead one to have a “UFO” encounter, but interest in UFOs can also actually draw one into the occult: “Many UFO investigators have followed a path that has taken them directly into the world of the occult. They believe they are rediscovering ancient spiritual truths and uncovering new realities about the universe. It’s more likely that they are getting involved with some ancient deceptions.”[12] Indeed, the UFO phenomenon “has led many to experiment with astral projection, to believe in reincarnation, and to get involved in other practices that directly oppose the historical teachings of the Christian church.”[13]
Jacques Vallee, a well-known (secular) French UFO researcher, says that “the very suggestion of such a link is disturbing to a scientist. However, the phenomena reported by [UFO] witnesses involve poltergeist effects, levitation, psychic control, healing, and out-of-body experiences.”[14]
The occult connection to UFO phenomena is verified by the UFO reports that have come out of the former Soviet Union….Upon initially arriving in the Soviet Union to do his research, Vallee, observing hundreds of books on the paranormal on his host’s bookshelves, said to him: “We never expected to find such a high level of interest in the paranormal in the Soviet Union.” The topics covered by these books ranged from astrology to spiritism to psychic research.[17]
The Soviet host responded by saying: “We’re ahead of you in the study of the paranormal because the Western churches killed all your witches in the name of their dogma.… You only have yourselves to blame if you have fewer gifted psychics. You’ve eliminated their genes from the gene pool.”[18]
It may surprise some to discover that the famous German psychologist Carl Jung (1875-1961) wrote a book about UFOs entitled Flying Saucers: A Modern Myth of Things Seen in the Sky. Jung, who himself was involved in the occult, believed that when people saw UFOs, they were actually engaged in a psychic experience since physical evidence always seemed to be lacking for the UFO appearance. In other words, to the one beholding the UFO, the experience may seem vividly real—but there’s nothing there in a physical sense.[25] Consider Jung’s comments: “There are on record cases where one or more persons see something that physically is not there. For instance, I was once at a spiritualistic seance where four of the five people present saw an object like a moon floating above the abdomen of the medium. They showed me, the fifth person present, exactly where it was, and it was absolutely incomprehensible to them that I could see nothing of the sort.
“I know three more cases where certain objects were seen in the clearest detail (in two of them by two persons and in the third by one person) and could afterwards be proved to be nonexistent. Two of these cases happened under my direct observation. Even people who are entirely compos mentis [mentally competent] and in full possession of their senses can sometimes see things that do not exist.”
If there is anything we can learn from Jung’s experience, it is this: People who are presently involved in some form of occultism—whether it be clairvoyance, telepathy, out-of-body experiences, astrology, divination, tarot cards, or whatever else—may witness what they believe to be a UFO when in fact nothing is physically there. I find this highly relevant, given that there are countless people in our country who are involved in various forms of white-washed occultism.
[TBC: for the full article and footnotes, see:]