Who Said: “God Himself is a Dreaming God” | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

“Hidden somewhere in your DNA are God-given dreams. Discovering those dreams should be your ultimate quest for they will unlock your destiny. God Himself is a dreaming God and needing outlets for His dreams, gave us His dreaming nature.” [1]

Okay, who said the above quote? Was it:

A. An Alcoholics Anonymous member describing the latest revision of his “higher power.”

Or, was it:

B. Dutch Sheets, founder of DSM, an “apostolic, prophetic, and teaching ministry.” [ 2]

The answer is B. It’s Dutch Sheets, one of the movers and shakers of the New Apostolic Reformation. If you thought it was a description of an A.A. “higher power,” that is understandable. Logical even, as the higher power can be anything or everything. A dreaming deity who needs us as outlets for His dreams is perfectly kosher in A.A. theology.

Of course, Dutch Sheets isn’t the first person to claim God is a “dreaming God.” And he won’t be the last. We’ve all heard the term God’s Dream or a variation thereof. But each time we do this we make Him like us, at least in our own minds.

God does not dream. God does not sleep. God knows everything that is going to happen.

“For My thoughts are not your thoughts, Nor are your ways My ways,” declares the LORD. “For as the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways and My thoughts than your thoughts.” (Isaiah:55:8-9)

Who came up with God’s Dream? Where did it come from? The answer may surprise you. Here is Warren B. Smith with the answer here and here.

Source Notes:

1. https://www.buzzsprout.com/952780/3462751?mc_cid=5a73da265e&mc_eid=612fbdb196
2. https://dutchsheets.org/index.php/about/ 


[TBC: See also: https://www.thebereancall.org/content/does-god-dream-warren-smith-part-one]