A Word About the Message | thebereancall.org

TBC Staff

Many, perhaps most these days, are not familiar with William Marion Branham. His followers are often called Branhamites by outsiders. He discipled a young preacher by the name of Jim Jones. A name most associated with the death of over 900 of his followers. Although the sheer size of the of the death toll is unusual, the details about smaller groups of Branhamites recorded in Mass starvation, a doomsday colony: 'The Message' inspires dangerous ‘cults’ worldwide by Emily Hamer and Tim Steller would indicate it may be more common than most are aware: “The year-long investigation is the first news-media account of The Message and its global influence.

“Leaders influenced by Branham have overseen a deadly starvation cult in Kenya in 2023, a colony in Chile that murdered and tortured prisoners and abused children in the 1970s, a trailer-park commune in Arizona that abused children in the 1960s and other high-control groups that have been accused of psychological manipulation and sexual crimes.”

“They point out that the way Branham structured the churches the pastor has no accountability. It is a system destined for severe abuse. The Message movement is not small: “Over the last 40 years, the sect has grown tenfold from an estimated 300,000 followers in 1986 to an estimated 3 million today, according to Voice of God Recordings distribution figures. The estimates are based on how many people get VGR’s materials, but the nonprofit doesn’t verify whether those people have accepted The Message, Evans said.

“Africa has the most Message churches of any continent, Evans said. About 1,500 churches in Kenya alone claim to follow The Message, he added.

“The Message also has a sizeable following in Latin America due not only to Voice of God but also other missionaries. Phoenix resident Jorge Hernandez Jr. worked for decades helping his father establish Message churches in Mexico, his native El Salvador, Peru and other countries, he said.”

Unfortunately, there are too few trained pastors in these areas and the 1,500 Message churches in Kenya offer those attending do not receive in other churches. Plug and play teaching. All that is needed is audio and video equipment. MCOI is trying to assist one church, but it is a bit difficult. Without a laptop, projector and speaker they are dependent on the pastor, his smart phone and an interpreter.
