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Title Source Post date Author
Memorizing Scripture TBC Today Oct 2010 TBC Staff
The Ruin of a Kingdom TBC Today Jun 2009 TBC Staff
Al Qaeda's Anti-Black Racism TBC Today Mar 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Letters letters May 2005 TBC Staff
Benefits of Difficulties TBC Today Mar 2010 TBC Staff
Quotable quotable Mar 1995 Meyer, F. B., Murray, Andrew
Just one Jesus TBC Today Oct 2003 TBC Staff
Unholy War 1 TBC Today Feb 2004 TBC Staff
Christian Youth and Media: A Good Mix? with the Kerbys (Part 2) Search the Scriptures 24/7 Jul 2015 McMahon, T.A., Kerby, Carl, Kerby, Carl, Jr.
DNA Galaxy TBC Today Apr 2006 TBC Staff
TBC Notes - Can you explain...? tbc notes Apr 2008 McMahon, T.A.
The World just Won't Seem to End on Schedule TBC Today Oct 2015 TBC Staff - EN
Perverse Apologetics TBC Today Mar 2003 TBC Staff
Question: How does [evolution] qualify as science, since it is admittedly based on speculation...? Why are we, and our children in public schools, being forced to accept something as fact that is so subjective? question and answer Nov 2008 TBC Staff
The Only Relationship That Matters TBC Today Aug 2011 TBC Staff
Letters letters Sep 2016
T. A. McMahon & Don Chittick (Part 2) Search the Scriptures 24/7 May 2014 Chittick, Donald E
Question: God is omniscient and He knew, before He created man, that many would choose to reject Christ and therefore seal their own fate of eternal damnation. Knowing this, God still chose to create man. Why? Isn’t this a selfish, unloving act? question and answer Oct 2001 TBC Staff
Question: What could be more foolish than a book which claims to be God's Word and sets rules that most people never heard of and then condemns them for not obeying these rules? question and answer Apr 2009 TBC Staff
The Animal That Confused Scientists TBC Today Jan 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Planned Parenthood Argues for Post-birth Abortions TBC Today Apr 2013 TBC Staff - EN
Choice Gleanings - January 26 TBC Today Jan 2016 Various
Pastors in India beaten for praying in their own homes TBC Today Dec 2015 TBC Staff - EN
Tiny T-Rex From China TBC Today Oct 2009 TBC Staff
Letters letters Jul 2013 Various
Question: Are we responsible for the sins committed by our ancestors? question and answer Nov 2018 TBC Staff
Is There Too Much Religion on the Simpsons? religion in the news Nov 2000 Hunt & McMahon
Christian Communities in Nigeria Disappearing TBC Today Jul 2011 TBC Staff
Killing their children TBC Today Mar 2003 TBC Staff
More on Egyptian Walls TBC Today Jan 2010 TBC Staff
