Question: Why does Revelation:18:24And in her was found the blood of prophets, and of saints, and of all that were slain upon the earth.
See All... say that in her (the Roman Church) was found the blood of prophets, and of saints and of all that were slain upon the earth? Clearly some people were slain by robbers, wild animals, Muslim terrorists, etc.
Answer: Christ makes a similar statement: “That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth...all...shall come upon this generation” (Mt 23:35,36). Why would one generation be considered guilty for all the murders committed against the “righteous”? For the same reason that by simply partaking of the forbidden fruit, Adam and Eve were cast out of the Garden, and death came upon all mankind. No matter how small their “crime” may seem, it was rebellion against God—and that is the essence of all sin.
Moreover, Christ is not speaking of one particular generation of people living at any particular time in history. He used “generation” in a descriptive sense: “generation of vipers” (Mt 23:33); “faithless and perverse generation” (Mt 17:17; Mk 9:19; Lk 9:41); “wicked generation” (Mt 12:45); “evil and adulterous generation” (Mt 12:39), etc. Those who are characterized by unbelief, evil, and rebellion against God are guilty of every sin. Thus James says, “whosoever shall...offend in one point [of the law] he is guilty of all”(Jas 2:10). Breaking even one of the Ten Commandments in any way is rebellion against God, which could not be forgiven by a righteous, holy God except by Christ’s payment for sin upon the cross. Thus it cannot be said that Christ only died for the sins of certain people and not for others. He had to pay for Adam’s sin, that is, for sin itself.
Consequently, the false church, which has promulgated a false gospel that sends to eternal damnation those who believe it, is guilty of the death of everyone (i.e., of death itself). Just as Adam’s sin brought death upon all, so the denial of the only remedy by the false church maintains the power of that universal death.