Question: One of the staff from Christian Research Institute, in a class he teaches in the Newport, CA area, recently dismissed Dave Hunt’s work because “Dave Hunt is not a theologian.” What is your response? |

Hunt, Dave

Question: One of the staff from Christian Research Institute, in a class he teaches in the Newport, CA area, recently dismissed Dave Hunt’s work because “Dave Hunt is not a theologian.” What is your response?

Response: Neither were the Bereans “theologians,” yet they checked out Paul’s preaching against Scripture and were commended for doing so (Acts:17:11). Every Christian is both qualified and obligated to do the same with every Bible teacher and preacher, no matter how highly regarded or how many degrees they may have—and that’s what we try to encourage here at The Berean Call. No one is immune from error or correction, and that includes this ministry.

Nor were the disciples “theologians,” but fishermen, a tax gatherer, etc. The idea that those who have academic degrees from theological seminaries thereby have a monopoly on interpreting the Bible is both illogical and unscriptural. Such Protestant elitism mimics Roman Catholicism’s claim that its hierarchy of bishops, cardinals, and popes alone can interpret Scripture.

I don’t have all the answers. I’m only a Berean who, trusting the Holy Spirit’s guidance, has been studying the Bible on his knees for more than 50 years. Am I, therefore, less qualified to understand God’s Word than someone who has studied a few years in seminary? I think not.