Letters | thebereancall.org


Mr. McMahon,
I’ve always thought that your magazine has a very criticizing spirit, and now, after I saw how you put down the wonderful movie Son of God, I see that you also have a hateful spirit. 

You even criticize The Bible mini-series so lovingly made by the very talented Mark Burnett and Roma Downey, which is a masterpiece. The series attracted so many people to the Lord who otherwise didn’t know anything about the Bible. Diogo Morgado was excellent as Jesus. Maybe he is a sinful human portraying infinite God, but he did it with more love than you ever did with your poisonous pen.

If you criticized the movie Noah I could see your point...but to criticize the beautiful movie Son of God is just not fair....It is...about love of Jesus, hope, and eternal life....So don’t be overly critical of your Christian brothers and sisters. AG (NY)

Dear Staff,
I would like to deeply thank everyone involved in The Berean Call for the many years they have spent in preaching the gospel and helping people to discern truth from error. Your work has had a definite impact in my own life....My parents were tied up with the Mormon cult for seven years when I was a child and they broke free from that when they saw the movie The God Makers. Ten years ago, my mother was diagnosed with Schizophrenia...and has been in and out of hospitals ever since. Psychology offered no hope of a cure for her....After watching Wide is the Gate and seeing the occultic roots of psychology I have seen that it’s nothing but a doctrine of demons! The problem with my mother is a spiritual one and there is a cure in the finished work of Jesus at the cross! TS (email)

Tom and staff,
Thank you so much for your valuable ministry. You’ve provided me with such insight into a “darkened world professing a false Christianity.” Here in prison we are constantly bombarded with legalistic, Calvinist, or non-eternal security teachers who so confuse those who fail to “search the Scriptures daily.” Today I’m crucified with Christ, yielding to Him daily, dying to self, and walking in newness of life. DC (NY, prisoner)

Dear Mr. McMahon,
I want to assure you that I never get tired of hearing truth. You commented in your article The Bible According to Hollywood 2, “For those who may agree but are a little tired of my crying out for discernment regarding ‘biblical’ movies, you have my apology.” I never get tired of you speaking truth. Keep up the good work and be encouraged, brother. No apology required. You speak in love for those who are your brothers and sisters. God bless you and yours. SB (AL)

Dear TBC,
Thank you [for your online conference]. Praise the Lord, I have had church for the past three days! It is truly lonely and we have been to so many churches in the past couple years. The leaven has attacked the “Bible Believing” churches in my city. We have no place anymore, so this conference and your newsletters and resources are a godsend for us now. Thank you for this conference and can we have more? I am getting a sense of the underground church now. I am writing from Canada, and yes our Prime Minister is a believer, but the state of the churches in my city is very bleak. The Q and A with Greg Durel was especially good. He says it as it is and he was encouraging in his truthfulness. Thank you again for all your work for the Lord and His believing church. MB (Canada)

Dear Mr. McMahon,
I just read the Letters section of your April 2014 newsletter, and one writer demanded you examine your doctrine in “the light of God’s Word and Paul’s gospel. There is no Rapture.” It took me less than a minute to find 1 Corinthians:15:51,52 and cross references to 1 Thessalonians:4:15-17 and Philippians:3:21. There are many other cross references to these verses. I only have an Associates Degree in general studies and no formal Bible class other than the church that I attend. I find that the writer of the above mentioned letter is the one who needs to examine their doctrine in light of God’s Word and Gospel. Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, and Paul all taught the same Gospel. Thankfully it is easy to apply Acts:17:11 in this case and see whose teaching is in line and whose is not. Keep up the good work. SM (MO)