Rick Warren to speak at Papal Mass | thebereancall.org

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Rick Warren has been scheduled to speak at Pope Francis' Papal Mass in Philadelphia

TBC: Rick Warren has been confirmed as a speaker at the ecumenical and interfaith gathering September 27. In an article from the Catholic Herald piece it is noted that some, "...of the speakers listed include Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle of Manila, Cardinal Sean O’Malley of Boston and Cardinal Robert Sarah, prefect of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Sacraments. Fr Robert Barron and Scott Hahn, as well as Reverend Rick Warren and Rabbi Abraham Skorka, are slated among the speakers.

"Underlining the ecumenical and interfaith element of the meeting, Archbishop Chaput said 30 per cent of the speakers would be non-Catholic.

"In response to a reporter’s question, Bishop McIntyre said one session was planned on families with homosexual members; a man with same-sex attraction will speak and so will his mother.

"Archbishop Chaput added that all people are invited to attend the congress, but it was not organised to “provide a platform” on any particular issue “for people to lobby”.

"The archbishop said the “most important thing that can happen” at the congress “is conversion”, so that “families can become a force of change for good”.


[TBC: In the July 2008 newsletter, we noted that "The social 'gospel' agenda of Rick and Kay Warren, as evidenced by Rick's P.E.A.C.E. plan, is ripe for biblical compromise and unwittingly contributes to the development of what the Bible prophesies will be the Antichrist's one-world religion." The "conversion" that Archbishop Chaput alludes to is clearly designed to draw people into that same religious system.]