TBC Today - Our Daily Update | thebereancall.org

TBC Today - Our Daily Update

TBC Today is posted each day and may include brief news items, quotes, commentary, and other pieces of interest. This information is available by email and is also posted on Facebook, Twitter, and Google.
Title Post datesort ascending
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny April 5, 2023
What should Christians make of Falun Gong and Shen Yun? April 5, 2023
The Purpose of the Evidence April 4, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny April 3, 2023
What Exactly is Meditation? April 3, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny—“Aunt Matilda’s” Cake April 1, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 31, 2023
Church Urged to Stop Leading People Astray March 30, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 29, 2023
Our Little Barbarians March 29, 2023
Biblical Deliverance March 28, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 27, 2023
Darwin’s Abiogenesis: Lies for Public Consumption March 27, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 25, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 23, 2023
Hindu vigilantes carry out wave of anti-Christian violence in India March 23, 2023
The Enneagram Answers Everything March 22, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 21, 2023
Nobody told us what to do March 21, 2023
Netanyahu blasts International Atomic Energy Agency [IAEA] head for saying attack on Iran would be ‘illegal’ March 20, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 19, 2023
Nuggets from Cosmos, Creator, and Human Destiny March 17, 2023
Four Powerful Words March 16, 2023
Andy Stanley taken to task again for remarks on 'gays' and church March 15, 2023
