December 2003 |

December 2003

There are dozens of “solid” hadithic quotes with Muhammad’s assurances that Allah guarantees to all jihadi warriors instant paradise in case of martyrdom, or “reward or booty he has earned.” To be a Muslim was rewarding in the hereafter, and profitable in this life: “Jihad is the best method of...Read more
TBC Today
A survey of over 2,000 adults conducted by the Barna Research Group found that a biblical worldview is quite rare. The survey was based upon these six biblical perspectives - The fact that salvation is a gift from God that cannot be earned; Jesus Christ lived a sinless life; God...Read more
TBC Today
The Two Margarets: Because of their loyalty to Christ and refusal to bow to pressures form the political establishment, Margaret MacLachlan (1622?-1685) and Margaret Wilson (1667-1685) were condemned to be drowned by the tide. The former was 63, the latter 18. Despite urgent and incessant appeals to them to submit...Read more
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New York Times News Service , 11/28/03- Fossil bones record the history of the human form, but they say little about behavior. A richer source of the way human social behavior evolved may be chimpanzees, with whom people shared a common ancestor as recently as 5 or 6 million years...Read more
TBC Today
If a witch doctor came dancing down the aisle with his paint, feathers, fetishes, and rattles, most evangelical churches would have enough discernment to attempt to convert him—and if that didn’t happen, to put him out. But the same witch doctor, minus the outward adornments of his occultism, dressed in...Read more
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The New York Times November 30, 2003 NEW ORLEANS — Last year, doctors told a 41-year-old New York woman who had been bedridden with meningitis and other ailments that she should prepare for the worst. Rather than resign herself to her fate, she boarded a train to New Orleans —...Read more
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False teachers tell stories of seemingly miraculous events in order to impress others. Unlike the miraculous accounts in the Bible, however, these stories often fall apart under close examination. As the scriptures instruct us, we are to “prove all things, hold fast that which is good” (1 Thessalonians 5:21 )...Read more
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The Bible declares that God determined to keep His chosen people separated to Himself ( Exodus:33:16 For wherein shall it be known here that I and thy people have found grace in thy sight? is it not in that thou goest with us? so shall we be separated, I and...Read more
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